Contribute to the Indoor Range Fund
CCSSEF is building an Indoor Range to Support:
- Youth Rifle and Shotgun Teams
- Train New Firearms Owners
- Provide Year Round Practice Space
We have raised more than 2/3 of the required $750,000 and need your support to make this a reality
New Shooter? Just bought your first gun?
Clubhouse combo will be the 2021 settings as of 1/1/2021. Everything cleaned, re-sanitized, vacuumed. Chairs inside remain 6 feet apart. COVID masks, gloves and hand sanitizers just inside the door. First aid kits recently checked along with the AED battery. Trauma kits remain intact.
- Saturday breakfast and lunch @ Jim-Bob’s
- Memberships and renewals are being processed Saturday mornings
The CCSSEF Range Standard Operating Procedures have been consolidated and revised. The controlled document is now in the Safety menu. It replaces the now obsolete Range Rules. Future changes will be announced to members as they are made. Any corrections or suggestions should be sent to the Chief Range Safety Officer at for incorporation into the next revision.”
Member Notice – 5/18/2020
Dear Members,
Effective Immediately
The Cheshire County Shooting Sports Education Foundation is open for business. Please make sure to check the calendar on our website before coming to the Range.
We need each member to make their health and firearms safety top priority while at CCSSEF facility. We ask if our volunteers and members are not feeling well to stay home. Members need to ask themselves these important questions before coming to the range. If your answer is yes to any of these questions please stay home.
1 Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
2 Are you experiencing any respiratory symptoms, including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath?
3 Have you had a fever or felt feverish in the last 72 hours?
3 Are you experiencing any new muscle aches or chills?
4 Have you had any new changes in your sense of taste or smell?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please do not put our employees and other guests at risk and come back another day when you feel better.
The board has created a COVID-19 policy, which is effective immediately:
- During this uncertain time, if you determine you are unable to volunteer or are uncomfortable volunteering, you can choose to stay home. The board supports you making this choice. Please send an email to Michael Hagan or Peter Crowell. We will update the calendar as needed if you are in charge of an activity or other duties.
- We will be instituting changes that will reduce group sizes to no greater than 10 on range spaces. This is in accordance with protocols from health experts and relevant federal and state agencies.
- Members must maintain 6’ foot distancing while using the range.
Please take these steps to help us keep the foundation facility a healthy environment:
- Proper hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections; it also helps prevent lead poisoning.
- Masks are strongly encouraged!
- Cover coughs and sneezes using a strong tissue or the crease of your elbow.
- Keep tissues and hand cleaners handy and use them. We have supplied each range station with disinfectant and hand sanitizer.
- Do not cough into your hands.
- Do not sneeze into your hands.
- Keep your fingers away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Sanitize areas after use, including door handles, bathrooms, and tables. (sanitizers will be available at every location) Members need to use them at each station after every use.
We appreciate your understanding as we make these adjustments at Cheshire County Shooting Sports Education Foundation.
Board Chair
Michael Hagan
The General Manager’s office hours will be at his clubhouse office. The range calendar will indicate those days that he will be in the office.
My email contact information will remain the same: General Manager
Also PLEASE feel free to call regarding any of our scheduled activities, your training requirements (looks like there are a lot of new gun owners being created), and ANY other questions. Your range is here, operational, and happy to have you come on up and shoot.
Thanks and stay safe and healthy,
Peter Crowell, GM
Ferry Brook Range
Cheshire County Shooting Sports Educational Foundation