Pete DeSantos will be holding a prone shooting clinic at the 600 yard range on April 28th in Keene. New shooters are the focus of this event, however it is open to experienced shooters wanting to help and brush up on the basics.
Please arrive at the club house no later than 8:30 am to sign up and pay clinic fees to cover range costs. We will discuss basic equipment requirements, SAFETY, range procedures, and basic shooting techniques before we move to the firing line. Shot Marker Electronic Targets will be used. Please bring a smart phone or tablet (android or Apple) to connect to the system. Google Chrome is recommended, but others work as well. If you don’t have a device, don’t worry we will share.
On the firing line, we will demonstrate what we discussed, including SAFETY, range procedures, and shooting positions. We will then divide into two person teams. One person will shoot and the other will score and coach, then switch places. Please bring a minimum of 60 rounds of ammo. We should have enough time to shoot several relays each. Time permitting, we can shoot individually to test your new acquired skills. So bring enough ammo if you choose to continue shooting. We have the range until 3:00pm.
I like to have all participants meet back in the club house for a few minutes after the event for questions and feedback about the clinic.
***Loaner rifles and ammo for those without equipment may be available. Please call me to make arrangements.
For those who want to use their own rifle, Ron Avery and I will be available on Saturdays starting in mid April at 10:00 am at the 200 yard line (weather permitting) to get you sighted in for the 600 yard line. If you are shooting 5.56mm/.223 rem. the minimum bullet weight is 69 grains. (for safety reasons 55 and 62 grain bullets are not allowed for shooting 600 yards.)
Contact me with any questions and to reserve a spot. Limited to 20 students.
Eye and ear protection is required on the firing line.
At least 60 rounds
Eye and ear protection
Loaner rifles may be available, contact organizer (see below)
Bring lunch and drinks
Using your own rifle? Please stop by Saturday, the 27th at the 200 Yard firing line to get a 600 Yard zero
Clinic Shooters – $30
Experienced Shooters Helping – $10
All are welcome, contact organizer below to register and with any questions
Peter De Santis, 603-721-1985