(Contact Dan Deyo for details-603-209-6721)
**June 12th Field round Pioneer Sportsmen
**July 10th Hunter round North Branch Bowmen
**July 17 NH Target championship Pioneer Sportsmen. This is an American Round…(5) (6) arrow ends at 60, 50 and 40 yards each, for 90 arrows total.
**August 6th & 7th NH Bowmen state championship Pioneer Sportsmen 1/2 field 1/2 hunter each day shoot one or both days take your best 1/2 of each round.
**August 14th Saturday evening 7-730 start time 14 target Zombie/CQQN fun shoot & chicken BBQ $15 prepaid by Aug. 1st for chicken BBQ or $10 to just come and shoot. Contact Dan Deyo for details-603-209-6721
**August 28th 28 target NFAA animal round North Branch Bowmen