A Gun Show At the Ferry Brook Range

Mark you calendars, October 10, 2020 starting at 9 AM.

Covid-19 has been rough on indoor gun shows, so we are having an OUTDOOR show. If you are a vendor and would like to sign up for a space, head HERE to do so.

Covid-19 safety precautions, as mandated by the state, will be in place. In order to hold the show, we must ask customers and vendors to wear some kind of mask. 

Tickets to be purchased at the entrance – $10 per person for the day. Kids under 18 are free.

Yes, it’s been a great time for vendors with sales of guns and ammo going through the roof. This is a chance to discuss these challenging times with the vendors and maybe get some ideas on how to fill up those ammo buckets and find that gun or accessory for which you have been looking.

New shooter? Come on over and at least handle some possible choices of the right gun for you.

Hope to see you there!

Peter Crowell
General Manager