Critical Dynamics delivers a full spectrum of nationally accredited tactical firearms, active attack response, and tactical trauma medical training programs for law enforcement, government contract & private security, and defensive firearms training for law-abiding private citizens.
Critical Dynamics – We build better shooters.™
Here is an opportunity to tune up your rifle/carbine skills. Clinics are $75.00
Wednesdays: September 21st to November 2nd
To see Individual Clinics and to Register, click the links below:
Defensive Sporting Rifle/Carbine #7 – 11/2/2022
Prerequisites: At a minimum, students must be able to demonstrate their understanding of basic firearms safety and handling concepts. Completion of a basic firearms course (NRA First Steps Pistol, NRA Basic Pistol, or another basic pistol course) is preferred but not required. This clinic is NOT suited for the novice or beginner shooter. The training cadre reserves the right to remove from the program any student who lacks sufficient understanding of basic safety practices or basic operational procedures using a semi-automatic pistol.
Every 3-Hour Skill Builder Intensive Clinic is taught by certified and credentialed law-enforcement tactical firearms master instructors.
Critical Dynamics, Inc
Keith Hanson – Master Instructor
877-486-8724 x705